#69 Projektmanagement 2.0

Ein neuer interessanter (deutschsprachiger) Blog befasst sich mit Projektmanagement 2.0 (auch: Social Project Management).

Was unter PM 2.0 zu verstehen ist, sagt uns natürlich Wikipedia:
Project Management 2.0 (social project management) is the natural evolution of project management practices brought by Web 2.0 technologies. This second-generation Web environment has imposed itself by virtue of new Web services and applications, which quickly replace traditional project management software. Such applications include: blogs, wikis, collaborative software, etc. With broadband as the new utility, virtual teams now can work together much more efficiently by utilizing the new-generation, Web-based project management tools. These tools challenge the original definition of project management. Project Management 2.0 represents a dramatic shift toward having collaboration as the heart of project management. The transformation appears in the role of the project manager and in the interaction with clients.



Ein Kommentar zu “#69 Projektmanagement 2.0”

  1. Judith
    26. Juni 2009 um 12:08

    das ist schon sehr schön.Danke für diese Infos. Tolle Seite,weiter so!

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